To me and my business partners the definition of a great company is one who gives back. We believed that if God blessed us with wealth, it was our responsibility to give a percentage of that wealth to make an impact on the life of others; thus, we created the TRES HERMANOS FOUNDATION.


Our founding director, Dr. Valdes, has committed his life to address the failures of the War on Drugs. Dr. Valdes believes that we will never win the war on drugs, especially if we continue to sit back and do nothing.  THE TRES HERMANOS FOUNDATION sends copies of Dr. Valdes’ books to as many United States prisons as possible. It is our dream to distribute one million books in the next ten years! We have seen how incarcerated men, women, and children have been impacted by the thousands of books we have sent in the last twenty years. 

Dr. Valdes has given all his book rights, theatrical, and speaking fees to THE TRES HERMANOS FOUNDATION. Currently, he has published a compelling book just for inmates: Narco Mindset – Freedom Edition.


Now my question for you is - what legacy will you leave behind?

It only takes one person and one child to change the lives of many and thus change the world.

Pray how you can make a difference.